Dead Giveaway

Flash Fiction by William Kitcher As soon as she sat beside me at the bar, I was skeptical. Too calculatedly down-market. I definitely liked the look of her: unusually beautiful face, very high cheekbones, a slight overbite that caused her smile to be intriguing and confusing, a vague scar that meandered from the side ofContinue reading “Dead Giveaway”

As The Sun Sets

Flash Fiction By Andy Betz “He is unconscious. You weren’t supposed to hit him that hard. We needed him awake!” I had no intention of knocking out Felix, but I was not going to look at that conniving smirk for one more second without him paying for his deeds. The television sets in this motelContinue reading “As The Sun Sets”


Flash Fiction By Steve Saulsbury They noticed the older man at the beach where people went looking for fossils. He was fiddling with his pack on a picnic table. Shane sprawled in the sand, puffing a crumpled cigarette. Lacey splashed along the shoreline. “Find any fossils?” Shane asked the man. “No. Just enjoying the scenery.”Continue reading “Fossil”

A New Line To The Outside

Crime Fiction by David Hagerty Prisons evolve as slow as alligators and are about equally pliable. Some dudes I knew had spent decades locked up at San Felipe State, and in all that time they hadn’t seen the paint color change. We marked time on calendars, not digital clocks. The library still relied on aContinue reading “A New Line To The Outside”

The Mystery Of The Dead-As-A-Doornail Author

Crime Fiction by John RC Potter Cornelia Vanstone took great pride in herself in general, but particularly for the following three reasons: her prize-winning gingersnap cookies, a trim waistline despite being in her mid-seventies, and her success as the author of several romance novels, known for their titillating titles and historical settings. Although she hadContinue reading “The Mystery Of The Dead-As-A-Doornail Author”

Dead Short

Crime Fiction By Tony Sweatland The cops showed up while Mickey was in surgery. Liz didn’t say much other than the basics. He tried to get me, we fought back. He shot at Mickey. Mickey shot back. They still had plenty of questions but they were understanding of the situation and made arrangements to talkContinue reading “Dead Short”

Blink Camera Nightvision

Review by Chris Bunton If you are interested in True Crime, and the things written on The Yard: Crime Blog, then you know that bad things happen, and that it can happen to you. It is important that we protect ourselves and our loved ones. Here on The Yard, we have started posting affiliate linksContinue reading “Blink Camera Nightvision”


Crime Fiction By Alex Finch (Graphic Content Warning) Most only know me as The Raiin Killer. Nobody knows who I am beneath the mask. Or that I’m almost always smiling. Well, I guess this journal is a tribute to my dead psychiatrist. She was a fighter until the end, I had to admire that. SheContinue reading “Raiin”

True Crime: Savage Murder at Taliesin

True Crime By Chris Bunton Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most famous architects in the world. He lived and worked between 1867 and 1959. His works have inspired millions, but at the same time, his life had dark tragedies. I have been a fan of Frank Lloyd Wright for quite some time, andContinue reading “True Crime: Savage Murder at Taliesin”

Sad Day

Crime Fiction By Dick Johnson It was a sad day in a house full of assholes, and I was dying. It wasn’t always sad, like it wasn’t always daytime, but they were probably always assholes. It was a house in St. Louis. It was one of those slum houses.  I’d tell you where, but noContinue reading “Sad Day”