Unraveling Wrongful Conviction And Miscarriage Of Justice

A True Story Transforming Despair To Hope.

By Matthew Harrison

“In the poignant pages of “Unraveling Wrongful Conviction and Miscarriage of Justice,” Matthew invites readers on a compelling journey—a transformation from the depths of despair to a life rekindled with hope and purpose. Baring his soul, Matthew recounts the gripping narrative of his spiritual rebirth, wherein he confronts the shadows of wrongful conviction and takes ownership of his past, breaking free from the chains of destructive behaviors.

Raised in the embrace of a shattered family, Matthew’s tale unfolds with heart-wrenching honesty as he grapples with the fallout of his parents” divorce and subsequent betrayal by a stepfather. Fueled by pain and a sense of abandonment, Matthew descends into a hidden world of secrets, ultimately facing an unjust accusation that threatens to imprison him for a crime he did not commit. As his life hangs in the balance, Matthew turns to the solace of faith, undergoing a spiritual rebirth that empowers him to confront past choices and break free from destructive patterns. “Wrongful Conviction” is more than a gripping narrative; it is a beacon of inspiration for those navigating their trials. This remarkable true story illuminates the transformative power of choice, offering a roadmap for anyone seeking to overcome adversity and reshape their destiny.

In this enhanced version, Matthew expands the content of “The Path Less Chosen” in what is now “Unraveling Wrongful Conviction and Miscarriage of Justice.” Embark on a riveting journey through Matthew Harrison’s true story, enveloped in a striking new book cover that perfectly complements the added content not found in the initial edition.”— Amazon Book Page

Matthew had this to say about his past and about what led to the writing and publishing of his story.

“I had a good childhood filled with sports, friends, and a lot of cousins. However, life took a turn when my parents divorced. My mom remarried with promises of love and spirituality; but sadly, my stepfather did not live up to those promises. Instead, he taunted and eventually abused me, leaving me with feelings of being unloved and unwanted. The abuse persisted until I physically surpassed him in height and strength, but the false stories about my nature and actions continued.

My strong spiritual foundation, thanks to good leaders and friends, kept me out of trouble until I got married. Unfortunately, that marriage didn’t meet our needs, leading to a divorce. Despite the challenges, the bright spot was the birth of my daughter, who remains a delight in my life.

Further problems arose from unsavory relationships at work and in personal life. However, I found solace in a special girl. We

married, bringing two beautiful children into the world. Despite many good years, we drifted apart, and I sought companionship elsewhere leading to false accusations of crimes.

The legal system crafted a narrative that painted me as a “monster,” fueled by biased media coverage. Lying attorneys, unprepared for trial, and a prejudiced judicial system resulted in the loss of my good name, job, home, and, most importantly, my immediate family. Thankfully, some extended family members stayed close and supported me.

Convicted and sent to prison, I learned to survive and thrive because of an improved relationship with God. I had to acknowledge my choices and seek forgiveness to navigate the challenges. Despite numerous lost appeals, prayers were answered, bringing peace and direction. In prison, I began helping others—writing letters, sharing resources, and offering support.

After losing my final appeal, my sister-in-law suggested I write a book to share the truth. With other family members’ help, we embarked on a publishing journey. Self-publishing eventually became the path, resulting in an enhanced sensory experience, The complete package—e-book, paperback, hardback, and audible—offers a unique reading/listening experience.

My family and I continue learning about publishing and marketing. Grateful for supportive readers, a new book, “Misconceptions Shattered,” is set to debut in the spring, sharing stories of battling injustice. It not only tells my story but also sheds light on others wrongly convicted. Despite differing opinions within my family, their support has been crucial.

The second edition now called “Unraveling Wrongful Conviction and Miscarriage of Justice” aims to connect with a broader audience. Writing, for me, becomes a way to make the prison experience less hurtful and more productive. The journey isn’t over, and I believe God has a plan for my “schooling” in this place at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. Your comments are welcomed as you explore the new edition, featuring a chapter on post-COVID-19, reader Q&A, and a preview of my current writing efforts. I invite you to follow my ongoing journey.”-Matthew Harrison

With hundreds of thousands of Americans being incarcerated, “Unraveling Wrongful Conviction and Miscarriage of Justice” is a book which can change someones life or bring a light to their darkness. We consistently see news reports of people wrongfully convicted and being released. Perhaps its someone you know.

Purchase “Unraveling Wrongful Conviction and Miscarriage of Justice” on Amazon through our Affiliate Link.

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Publishing Editor for The Yard: Crime Blog.

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